Friday, November 28, 2008

The Fall of Abe Gosman

Lin Gosman is in jail over the weekend until her bond hearing. She is being charged with hiding millions of dollars in bankruptcy proceedings involving Lin and her husband, Abe Gosman. I had a strange experience with Abe. He used to own the most expensive home in Palm Beach that Donald Trump sold recently to a Russian billionaire for $95 million. Abe was the king of nouveau Palm Beach one day and the next he was a broken, bankrupt man whose wife was apparently living elsewhere. I would see him occasionally having dinner at Trevini alone with his dog.

Of course, I wanted to interview Abe for my book, and he said yes. But every time I went to see him, he had an excuse. Once at ten in the morning, he was downstairs waiting, and I thought he was waiting for me. But he said a friend from Boca was coming and they were going out for ice cream cones.

This went on for perhaps a year and a half. I wasn’t upset. I wasn’t irritated. I found it perversely fascinating. Just how many times would he have me come over and make excuses? In the end, I think the way I deal with it in my book is as revealing of Abe Gosman as any interview.

1 comment:

Matthew Steeples said...

His story is fascinating as is that of his former home in Palm Beach, 515 North County Road: